April Update
However cold and windy it can be some days the wonderful signs of spring appear regardless. Swallows are once again above the field, swopping and chattering at a rapid rate. The blossom is gorgeous, though likely to be short lived with the seemingly endless frosts and high winds.
With the gradually easing of restrictions I am finally able to get finished work to the framers and images scanned ready to make prints and cards. Everything is moving ahead towards the September exhibition date and I am once again loving being back in the workshop stitching.

Once again we have been back enjoying the reserves, spotting Swifts, Grebes, Marsh Harriers and Tufted Ducks too name just a few.

Hairy Dragonfly at RSPB Ham Wall seen today, delicious food for a passing Hobby!

Our great friend Ron has helped me select the birds to be included in the exhibition and rightly pointed out that there was a glaring omission! No Waterfowl…. He was of course correct and I started to look into which one to select. I will be honest and admit they are a group of birds I know very little about but with his and Chris Hooper’s help we have selected a Pintail. The image is based on a fabulous photograph by Gary Faulkner who has given me permission to use it as inspiration. I have very much enjoyed choosing the right fabrics and building the base image up an have now started stitching. Look forward to showing you progress next month.

Work in progress
The hand stitched Lapwing is nearing completion, I am working on creating his head feathers and then attaching him to a background that I have been planning and experimenting with for a while now. Hope to have an update for next months newsletter.

Another study I have started is of a Redshank. This bird is pieced and painted ready to stitch and I will be hand stitching this one as I’m really enjoying sitting in front of the TV stitching in an evening – they are like bonus hours of work gained as I would never think of machine stitching then!

Book of the month
Wilding is a book that I have been meaning to read for a very long time, a friend bought it for my birthday and I’m really looking forward to getting started.

I always love going to a Flea market or the Book Barn and it was wonderful last week to finally browse around and find some bird book treasures!

SWT Art Auction
I am really pleased to say that the Somerset Wildlife Trust auction I was involved in raised over £10,000! I have delivered the four pieces to the successful bidders of the pieces I donated. Thank you to everyone that supported this wonderful cause and gave so generously.
Exhibition News & Dates
SAQA Virtual GalleryExhibition – ‘Plurality of Voices’
May 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021
Group exhibition with CQWest
Unfolding Stories 4 – Click here for details
Lansdown Gallery, Stroud, June 30th to 12th July 2021.
SGFA Annual Open Exhibition
Monday 5th – 10th July 2021
Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1
Solo Exhibition
‘Thriving & Declining on the Somerset Levels’
Ace Arts, Somerton, Somerset
September 11th -25th October
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